A selection of wine cellars using Redrak supplied by Baywicks Wine Cellars
Racking layout in corner of large room. Full height racking - "B" + "B" height ( 2274 mm ) with 1/2 Bins on either side, a Champs upper left and the edge of a Diamond. Shows the optional crown mould
Large subterranean cellar in Christchurch with lots of bins and 1/2 bins and custom "pull-out" wood cases
Subterranean cellar with racking built into plaster alcoves. Underground temperature controlled cellar in Wellington with racking set between stuccoed concrete walls and floor
Feature diamond centre. Same cellar as #3 but with a feature diamond centre with individual racks either side and below ... ( Note: the shelf has the be structural in this application as it must carry the weight of all the wine above )
Corner detail of individual racks note the warmth of the redwood under accent lighting
Shop display racking in a custom built-in wine cabinet
Tasting table and glass rack detail with wall space for some tasteful wine art ... ( it is actually a wine glass on the table in front of the model !)
Purpose built cellar Cellar in a new Christchurch house using floor to ceiling individual racking (2.4 m stud) with a feature butcher block tasting table ( by others )
Full height racking With Diamonds as the feature end wall ... ( Note individual champagne rack either side of the diamond ... these are wider and only have 3 bottles per bay, vertically )
Shop Display racking and custom peninsular unit Nelson Wine Shop - Casa Del Vino www.casadelvino.co.nz
Detail of Shop Display racks Note glass shelving between racks for display of glasses or other wine accessories
Close up view of the display bottle racking ... These great for 'point of sale' for wine stores or winery tasting rooms or just if you want to show off your best in your home cellar
Close up detail of peninsular unit showing "pull out" wood cases holding 6 bottles each
Racking layout in corner of large room Full height racking - "B" + "B" height ( 2274 mm ) with 1/2 Bins on either side, a Champs upper left and the edge of a Diamond. Shows the optional crown mould.
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